Monday, November 17, 2014

Yellowland Encounters I — Going Camp [Rainbowland 5E]

I fear my D&D setting is verging into very camp very fast ... here's my encounter table of beasties so far. And I haven't even gotten to the Chupacabra, which is the main reason that goats are only kept in close stalls, far from the Northern Wall.

Sorry about the crappy vertical table ...

Yellowlander Commonersmedium or smallRarely encountered alone, the commoners of the Yellowlander pastoralists are hardy folk, ready to spring to action against the many dangers of the Veld.Day: 1d6, Night: in camp with herders.101d8 (4)30Sling: +2 bludgeoning 1d4. Hand axe: +2 slashing 1d6.Perception 100 (10)1d10 coppers each
Yellowlander HerdersmediumThe armed herders of the Veld always carry axes and flammable oil, in addition to their bows, to scare away Vulcana's evil vegetation. Each herder has 3d20 cows and 1d6 commoners.Day: 1d4, Night: 2d8 (camp)132d8 + 2 (11)30Bow: +3 piercing 1d6+1, range 60/120. Axe: +3 slashing 1d8+1. Burning oil: +3 fire 2d6, range 20/60, burst 5Pack Tactics: advantage if at least one ally is attacking same targetPerception 121/8 (25)1d10 silvers each, herding equipment
Yellowlander HerdmastermediumA larger group of herders will be accompanied by a herdmaster, generally the most experienced warrior and herder of their clan. Each herdmaster is accompanied by 3d10 herders, 5d20 additional cows and 2d6 additional commoners. Herdmaster names: Don Jusco de Velder, Dona Pinta la Guapa, Don Brasco el Viejo, Dona Nuna de la Nina11510d8 + 20 (65)30Multiattack: three melee attacks, two with axe (+5 slashing 1d8 + 3) and one with dagger (+5 piercing 1d4 + 3, range 20/60). Bow: +5 piercing 1d6 + 3, range 60/120.Saves Str +5, Dex +5, Wis +2.Perception 102 (450)2d100 gp, potion of healing, saffron pouch worth 1d100 gp
Yellowlander HuntersmediumThe Yellowlands teem with gazelles, antelope and stripe-horses, which the local hunters will, well, hunt. They are also skilled trackers.Day: 1d2, Night: 1d6 (camp)133d8 + 3 (16)30Multiattack: two melee or ranged attacks. Longbow: +4 piercing 1d8 + 2, range 150/600. Axe: +2 slashing 1d8. Dagger: +4 piercing 1d4 + 2, range 20/60Keen hearing and sightNature +4, Perception 15, Stealth +6, Survival +61/2 (100)2d20 silvers each, hunting equipment, 10% chance of a map
Shooting CactuslargeA pricklier pear cactus, imbued by Vulcana's suspicious possessiveness of the Yellow Goddess, it shoots soporiffic spiked pears at creatures that approach it. Once they are knocked out, it creeps up to them and slowly drains their vital bodily fluids.Day: 1d8, Night: 1d2103d10 + 6 (22)15Multiattack: the pricklier pear makes two ranged attacks (lobbed pear +2 piercing 1d4, burst 5, Con vs. DC 10 or knocked unconscious) or two prickly clubbing melee attacks (+3 bludgeoning 1d6 + 2).Keen tremorsense, has advantage on perception checks against walking targets. Prickly skin: deals 1d4 damage to anyone who attacks it in melee.Perception 131/2 (100)each shooting cactus has 2d20 ripe soporiffic pears, each of which is worth 1d10 gp to tequila makers in towns and inns
Tumbling WeedssmallYellowlanders say the tumbling weeds are awakened by Vulcana's scheming distrust of the Yellow Goddess. During the day they tumble harmlessly, but at night they congregate in large numbers to subdue weakened animals—or humans. They are said to drink water from their victims with bladed root appendages.Day: 1–2, Night: 5d1293d6 (10)20waterdrinking root: +1 piercing 1d4 - 1ulnerable fire, resistant piercingPercept 100 (10)nil
Creeping TreehugeTrees are rare in the Yellowland velds because the Yellowlanders cut them down religiously in the wild, trusting only those they plant themselves and consecrate to the Green god. The native red-leaves are said to be inspired by fiery Vulcana to seek water and life fluids from the walking creatures, gone mad in their desire to keep the Yellow Goddess alone for Vulcana in her land. They move only at night, creeping stealthily and striking with aerial tap roots to drain the vital bodily fluids of living creatures.Day: 1, Night: 2d4137d12+14 (59)20bodily fluid stealing roots: +6 piercing 3d6 + 4, reach 10'vulnerable fire, resistant piercing, bludgeoningPercept 102 (450)a few worn pieces of jewelry embedded in the tree's branches and roots
Vulcana's Sniffing SaffrontinyThe precious sniffing saffron is cultivated around Puerto Safran and used as a spice by many wizards, particularly diviners and necromancers, to increase the potency of their spells—or so they say. It is also used as an inebriant. The wild version is sometimes more potent, if exposed to Vulcana's wiles, and actually boosts caster level by +1d4. Wis vs. DC 12 to avoid hallucinations (act as confusion)Day: 1d8, Night: 0121d4 (2)20suicidal puff of hallucinogens (DC 15), dies after puffing to save it's flower-bed-matesvulnerable to everythingPercept 120 (0)an unpuffed dried saffron is worth 2d20 gp

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

5E - Carousing in the [Rainbowland]

Inspired by Jeff Rients' ( classic carousing table, a companion carousing guide to the Rainbowland XP rules. The major change is the addition of the Serendipity result for lucky characters.

Step 1: Go carousing and spend your gold.

Step 2: Roll them bones and your Charisma.

Roll 1d20 + Charisma modifierCarousing Result
≤ 4Mishap
5–19Rousing good time, no special effects

Step 3a: Mishap? Mishap! (this is pretty much Jeff's table)

Roll d20Mishap Result
1Make a fool of yourself in public. Gain no XP. Roll Charisma check or gain reputation in this town as a drunken lout.
2Involved in random brawl. Roll Strength check or start adventure d3 hit points per level short.
3Minor misunderstanding with local authorities. Roll Charisma check. Success indicates a fine of 2d6 x 25gp. Failure or (inability to pay fine) indicates d6 days in the pokey.
4Romantic entanglement. Roll Wisdom check to avoid nuptials. Otherwise 1–3 scorned lover, 4–6 angered parents.
5Gambling losses. Roll the dice as if you caroused again to see how much you lose. (No additional XP for the second carousing roll.)
6Gain local reputation as the life of a party. Unless a Charisma check is failed, all future carousing in this burg costs double due to barflies and other parasites.
7Insult local person of rank. A successful Charisma check indicates the personage is amenable to some sort of apology and reparations.
8You couldn’t really see the rash in the candlelight. Roll Constitution check to avoid venereal disease.
9New tattoo. 1–3 it’s actually pretty cool, 4 it’s lame, 5 it could have been badass, but something is goofed up or misspelled, 6 it says something insulting, crude or stupid in an unknown language.
10Beaten and robbed. Lose all your personal effects and reduced to half hit points.
11Gambling binge. Lose all your gold, gems, jewelry. Roll Wisdom check for each magic item in your possession. Failure indicates it’s gone.
12Hangover from hell. First day of adventuring is at -2 to all rolls. Casters must roll Int check with each spell to avoid mishap.
13Target of lewd advances turns out to be a witch. Save versus polymorph or you’re literally a swine.
14One of us! One of us! You’re not sure how it happened, but you’ve been initiated into some sort of secret society or weird cult. Did you really make out with an emu of was that just the drugs? Roll Int check to remember the signs and passes.
15Invest all your spare cash (50% chance all gems and jewelry, too) in some smooth-tongued merchant’s scheme. 1–4 it’s bogus, 5 it’s bogus and Johnny Law thinks you’re in on it, 6 actual money making opportunity returns d% profits in 3d4 months.
16Wake up stark naked in a random local temple. 1–3 the clerics are majorly pissed off 4–6 they smile and thank you for stopping by.
17Major misunderstanding with local authorities. Imprisoned until fines and bribes totaling d6 x 1,000gp paid. All weapons, armor, and magic items confiscated.
18Despite your best efforts, you fall head over heels for your latest dalliance. 75% chance your beloved is already married.
19When in a drunken stupor you asked your god(s) to get you out of some stupid mess. Turns out they heard you! Now as repayment for saving your sorry ass, you’re under the effects of a quest spell.
20The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire! Accidentally start a conflagration. Roll d6 twice, a) 1–2 burn down your favorite inn, 3–4 some other den of ill repute is reduced to ash 5–6 a big chunk of town goes up in smoke; b) 1–2 no one knows it was you, 3–4 your fellow carousers know you did it, 5 someone else knows, perhaps a blackmailer, 6 everybody knows.
Step 3b: Lucky blighter!

Roll d10Good Fortune
1Drank of the Red God's sacred spring. Gain 2 temporary hitpoints per level and incredible fertility for a week. Bonus xp = Con * 20
2Enthralled the spying spirits of the Orange God. Gain advantage on your next 5 dex-based checks. Bonus xp = Dex * 20
3Imbued with the righteous might of the Yellow God. Gain +1 to hit and damage in your next 1d6 combats. Bonus xp = Str * 20
4Gazed into the eye of the Green God of Nature and Greed. Gain advantage on your next 7 charisma-based checks. Bonus xp = Int * 20
5One of us! One of us! A drunken cultist shared secrets of the forgotten Blue God with you. Gain advantage on your next 6 wis-based checks and/or saves. Bonus xp = Wis * 20
6The secret is out there. Hallucinated a bizarre mathematical nightmare that reveals arcane truths to you. Gain advantage on your next 5 int-based checks. And memorize one casting of Identify. Bonus xp = Int * 20
7Sacrifices for the blood gods! You were victorious in an illegal cage fight. You are now notorious in this town. Roll 1d24 to hit with melee attacks in your next 3 combat encounters. Bonus xp = HP * 10
8The world's second greatest lover. Gain a loyal, if secret, contact in the city. Precious memento. Bonus xp = speed+Con * 10
9Protector of the wretched. While blindingly drunk you saved some local scallywags, gain a contact in the local underworld and a reputation as a reliable fellow who stands up for the weak and homeless. Bonus xp = AC * 20
10Impress local person of rank. Gaining a title in this region will be easier. Bonus xp = No. of languages spoken * 100

Step 4: Go adventure for more loot.

Edit: Note to the kindly and patient reader. Editing tables directly in Blogger's HTML is an exercise that will exercise your patience most severely.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

5E - Rough and Ready XP Chart [Rainbowland]

I know the DMG isn't out yet, but an enterprising and murderous DM needs some way of giving his (or her) PCs the impression that the world is somehow fair and that their exploration of places dark and foul are somehow encouraged. Hence, the XP table.

Note that I'm not at all certain about giving out XP for the killing of monsters—it's something I'll have to see in practice. For now it seems to work ok, but it might simply make more sense to reduce that and make the game more focused on exploration, looting and wonder.

I'll revisit this topic as time flies by.

XP Gain TypeQty.DescriptionNotes
1Complete Quest - But Your Princess Is In Another CastlevariableGenerally the XP value of a quest will be announced in advance depending on the GMs estimate of how epic and hard it will be.
2Baseline Exploration100 xp / game hourPCs will gain a small xp bonus for each real-time hour spent actively exploring a dungeon, wilderness or other dangerous environment. The baseline rate is adjusted by the GM (me) depending on how tough and horrible that hour is for the PCs.
3Burning Gold - Carousing2 xp / gpPCs gain 2 xp for each 1 gp of treasure spent in sword-and-sorcery style debauched spending sprees (food, drink, romantic partners, fancy personal accoutrements, etc.). Only 100gp / level can be spent this way. There is a 1 in 6 chance of a "complication" (mammoth hangovers, duels, hostile constabulary, angry spouses, etc.). Roll on the Carousing Table for details.Available if starting game session in town.
4Burning Gold - Research and Training1 xp / gpPCs gain 1 xp for each 1 gp of treasure spent on training or research. This will probably require a mentor of the same class at least 3 levels higher than they are. Use the PHB training rules do determine training time.
5Discovery - New Creature100 xp / CRThe first time a PC encounters a new creature, the PC gains some xp based on the CR of the monster (e.g. 1300 xp for meeting their first Beholder, 100 xp for their first Ork)Yes, you too can be a wily explorer of wildernesses!
6Discovery - New Dungeon100 xp / CRThe first time a PC enters a dungeon or dangerous adventure site and spends an hour (6 turns) there, the PC gains some knowledge of the dungeon and thus some xp.CR is approximately equal to the average challenge of the enemies in the dungeon. Yes, your GM (me) is going to be eyeballing this.
7Discovery - New Wonder50 xp / PC levelThe first time a PC sees a natural or artificial wonder, he gains some xp, because exploration, you know. This also applies to gazing upon epic artifacts for the first time.The higher level a PC is, the more he takes away from seeing that the world is not all horror and pain.
8Experience - First Death13 xpThe first time a PC dies, he gains 13 xp. This doesn't help unless he is raised from the dead.
9Experience - First Resurrection500 xpThe first time a PC is raised from the dead, he gains some xp. Obviously, no xp are gained while dead.
10Killing - Putting Down Horrorscreature xpPCs gain xp every time they kill actively hostile or malevolent monsters out to kill or maim them. Setting upon ordinary animals, peasants or neutral monsters that mean them no harm does not net xp. Fortunately most monsters in dungeons are hostile - though perhaps it's because the PCs are trespassing in their houses and trying to steal their gold.This interpretation is a bit loose and may be redefined depending on character background and goals, but yeah - generally no xp for going around and slaughtering everybody (you still get the loot, though).
11Killing - Murder Bloody Murdercreature xpEvil or Chaotic PCs gain xp when they assassinate a target for payment. Lawful or Good PCs doing that will probably not stay Lawful or Good. Just saying.See? Killing is still encouraged.
12Protection - Saving the Innocentcreature xpLawful or Good PCs gain xp equal to the xp of innocent creatures they save from lethal dangers. Yes, even saving a kitty will give xp. Of course, saving them by killing their captors means more xp ...
13Wits - Outwitting Monstershalf creature xpOutwitting a dangerous monster and getting its loot, sneaking past town guards to pilfer the Golden Cabbage, and the like, nets XP if goal is achieved (i.e. no xp just for running away! Though if it's your first encountered Beholder, that might also be worth something ...).The benefit being they don't manage to run you through.
XYZ - Bribe the GM / Whine at the GM / Bring Food+10% xp for sessionMore a joke than reality, but if your PC does something cool and epic, he will probably be rewarded. If I miss that, you can "Whine at the GM"This is a very important item :)
Edit: Whoops, nearly forgot the kudos:

Thanks to Chris Kutalik of the Hill Cantons whose player compendium to the Cantons inspired this table. Carousing inspired by Jeff Rients of Jeff's Gameblog