Giant, Pumpkin (Go, go, mighty commas!) |
huge giant, chaotic neutral
Encounter: 1, 1d8 in Hellpumpkin Crater
AC: 13, HP: 100 (10d12 + 35), Speed 40,
STR 22, DEX 8, CON 19, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 12
Skills: Perception +3, Intuition +5, Lang: Giant Pumpkin, Sneering Common,
2,300 XP
Multiattack - the pumpkin giant makes two pumpkin axe attacks and one bite attack.
Pumpkin Axe, melee +9, reach 10, 3d10+6 (22) damage.
Pumpkin Bite, melee +7, 2d8+6 (15), swallow on 15 damage or more
Swallowed: 1d6 damage per round, Con save DC13 each round versus paralytic gastric fumes
Pumpkin Grenade, ranged +9, range 60/240, 20' foot radius burst, hit 22 (3d10+6) pumpkin acid damage
Terrifying Cackle, sonic, recharge 5-6, 50' radius, the pumpkin cackles causing fear and watery knees in all who hear, Wis save DC15,
On Death: Gastric Explosion, on death the pumpkin explodes in a sudden eruption of noxious paralytic fumes, 30' radius, 1d8 damage (no save) from flying pips, Con save DC13 or paralyzed.